dimanche 20 mars 2011

Trend: Pricing Pandemonium

The article I choosed for you this week is about the future of pricing.
As you know, with the smartphone generation, we are completly able to book or to pay a room or a product very quickly.
Chaos will appear for Hoteliers who will not be as reactive, about their pricing strategy, as the market evolve.
Indeed, what is fantastic today is that we can share information with our friends very very quickly.

Like that, if there is a great offer on the net, we can spread the information through our network.
That is to say that hoteliers could touch a huge number of people only by being reactive.
Again, I recommand to all hoteliers to be very careful about the market and trends.
It is easy to increase revenues by being the first to use correctly social medias...
Listen what people want! Be innovative! Be dynamic on your offers!

Now, you have been warned!

Article is here!!!

dimanche 13 mars 2011

Online travel deals not as sweet as you think!

With internet, consumers are always searching for the best opportunities.
The article aware us about the possible trick that can be found when you are visiting their page and when you want to book a travel.

"Travel sites can track your searches. We checked a flight twice on Safari and once on Firefox. And what we learned is that if you check a flight more than once, the cheapest fare can disappear," Freeman said.

I had the same problem to book a flight to go to Copenhaguen. We all know that today, the prices of flights can change every second. 
And when I checked the price for the first time, this one was at 150€. After that I checked 4 times during the day and it increases at the end of the day at 200€.
I waited one week checking every day a possible decrease of the price but it never happened. Finally I bought it at 224€.

My surprise was when I came back on the website 2 weeks after the deal, to find it at 150€ on an other computer.

Be aware of that! 
I am not saying that this is always like that, but the article demonstrates what happened to me.  

Article is here

samedi 5 mars 2011

How to increase your hotel’s perceived value without lowering prices?

Article is here

With internet and the birth of websites like Expedia, Opodo..., the pricing strategy is difficult to manage.
It's harder today to ask more money than our competitors, pretending that we have a better service.
The important thing today for our customers is the Value. "Value is what you get compared to what you pay".
How can we work on that... What clients want are:

Get more for less!
Give to your customers a well designed hotel, work on your F&B department because this is your social place and people remember their stay also with their experience in restaurant. So work on quality, service...

Make it relevant!
Work on your loyalty program, your personalised service...

Give me an experience!
Give to your customers a reason to visit your hotel, the place of your hotel, the activities in the neighberhood...

You will make the difference by giving to clients a relevant experience than by lowering the prices.